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May, the west summer wind park must go!
  Date of Release:2016年04月26日  Click:1927 times

  It is understood that the scenic area of ningxia west summer scenery park will launch the large-scale real scene weiya stunt "zhuangyuan emperor" performance on April 30.

  According to staff, the scenic area in addition to regular the tangut yingbin, challenge tournament, large live action Ma Zhan "fire" ph.d.diss, besides, the latest increase programs, the first emperor by frequent flyers, high altitude kumite, climbing, smoke, and other forms of special effects, action, special effects, love and compares the performances of Hollywood comedy elements, take us through the years of the reign of understanding of xixia kingdom duct in one thousand cases of an-quan li fatuity no way, arrogant behaviour, year after year in the xixia national strength decline, the people suffered. Li zunxu, a handsome young emperor of the western xia dynasty, was awarded the title of the 95th historical legend after he met his wife luo yingying outside the palace and staged a coup to seize power.

  In addition, during the April 30 - June 5 for the northwest region's largest landscape vigil, applying modern lighting technology to build high-tech, more material, full expression of audio-visual, animation art means, using light cast light principle of artistic expression and light lamps and lanterns, like light do art painting, sculpture, the formation of the 2 d and 3 d visual feast. This lighting festival will fully display diversified elements and hold mass cultural activities with yinchuan characteristics that are welcomed by the masses and actively participated in. To create a visual feast of city lights for the whole people, we will welcome visitors and friends to visit and play at that time.

  The entrance fee is 60 yuan, including all entertainment programs.