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The movie and TV show wiya stunts shock
  Date of Release:2016年04月22日  Click:1326 times

  It is understood that the scenic area of ningxia west summer scenery park will launch the large-scale real scene weiya stunt "zhuangyuan emperor" on May 1.

  According to staff, the scenic area in addition to regular the tangut yingbin, challenge tournament, large live action Ma Zhan "fire" ph.d.diss, besides, the latest increase programs, the first emperor by frequent flyers, high altitude kumite, climbing, fireworks stunt forms such as blasting, tells the story of xixia kingdom handsome young xixia royal lee came to Auckland encountered outside the palace imperial concubine Luo Ying warbler, opens the coup, maintained its five-year journey......

  In addition, in order to increase the atmosphere of the program, from May 1 to June 5, the largest night tour of the landscape in northwest China was held to create a lighting and visual feast for all the people gathering the city lights. At that time, welcome to visit and play.

  The entrance fee is 60 yuan, including all entertainment programs.