
  With the widely expansion of skiing. The significance of skiing is no longer limited to sports, and it has become a healthy and fashion living method. As an outdoor sports, the greatest charm of skiing lies in that you can have the feeling of returning to nature through sports.


  In winter, some people will have problems such as feeling dejected, depressed, distracted, easy to get tired, decreased in work efficiency etc., which is called as “winter depression” by the winter. According to relevant materials, the mental workers who have poor physique and seldom participate in physical training, or those who are sensitive to cold weather, are more tend to have winter depression. The best way to change low mood is to take exercises, while skiing is one of the best choices. People who tried to relieve themselves through skiing all felt relax after skiing, especially when you skiing fast down the mountain, the relaxed feeling is beyond description.


  For those who want to lose weight, skiing is also the best choice. According to test, a normal-speed skier will consume 734 calories per hour for skiing, which is equal to calories burnt during running for 9.5 km in 1 hour. To have sports in the cold air of the ski is also a test to the oxygen transportation of body, which will strengthen the shrinkage and expansion ability of cardiovascular.

  Skiing is actually a process of grasping balance, you can only have beautiful movement by finding a balance point during switching the gravity. It can exercise and improve the nervous system from all aspects. It can strengthen your balance ability, flexibility and coordination ability when you are enjoying the speed. The fast speed and great amount of exercise can enhance the vital capacity and exercise your leg muscles with aerobic exercise, so as to realize the purpose of body building; besides, skiing has great requirements to balance, and it can also improve the psychological quality and strain capacity of people.